How it all started...
This was our first logo. Wow!! It is difficult to wrap my mind around the fact that this all started around June 2020. It was all a dream. No, literally!! I had a dream that I had started a second podcast. You see the first podcast I started is called, "Like Father, Like Daughter Podcast". I started it with my daughter, who was 12 at the time. Somewhere in the 2yrs that followed, she grew up and did not want to continue doing the podcast with me.
Back to the dream...I had a dream that I started a 2nd podcast for Veterans and being able to provide resources for them. My buddy was in the dream, so I called him the next day and asked if he wanted to do a podcast with me. He declined, and for good reason too. I wasn't mad.
That same day my sister called me and we had a long and wonderful conversation about "spirituality", well, the word, and how it bothered me so much that it was loosely used by everyone. It makes me a little upset that so many people use the word as if it really defines anything, when really it just leaves me with more questions. "Are you spiritual? What do you mean by that because demons are spiritual."
Anyway, we have this wonderful conversation discussing it, an when we were done, or somewhere in the middle of it, my sister, unbeknownst to her, made a statement; "That was a great convo!! We should make a podcast about it!!"
She had not heard about my dream, but in that moment it clicked!! I knew what God wanted me to do. The next day I had the first logo ready, an email, all social media set up, and a name picked out!! Don't ask me how, but I even had a website set up and we had our own domain name, in less than 24hrs!! I do not know how that all happened in a day, except to say, it was all God. I mean, hey, God brought Israel together as a nation in one day in 1948, why not this?
Now, almost 4yrs later, here we are.
Back to the dream...I had a dream that I started a 2nd podcast for Veterans and being able to provide resources for them. My buddy was in the dream, so I called him the next day and asked if he wanted to do a podcast with me. He declined, and for good reason too. I wasn't mad.
That same day my sister called me and we had a long and wonderful conversation about "spirituality", well, the word, and how it bothered me so much that it was loosely used by everyone. It makes me a little upset that so many people use the word as if it really defines anything, when really it just leaves me with more questions. "Are you spiritual? What do you mean by that because demons are spiritual."
Anyway, we have this wonderful conversation discussing it, an when we were done, or somewhere in the middle of it, my sister, unbeknownst to her, made a statement; "That was a great convo!! We should make a podcast about it!!"
She had not heard about my dream, but in that moment it clicked!! I knew what God wanted me to do. The next day I had the first logo ready, an email, all social media set up, and a name picked out!! Don't ask me how, but I even had a website set up and we had our own domain name, in less than 24hrs!! I do not know how that all happened in a day, except to say, it was all God. I mean, hey, God brought Israel together as a nation in one day in 1948, why not this?
Now, almost 4yrs later, here we are.
Expanding the vision...
Here is our first and one of the last videos we did for the podcast and social media. We never got setup for video. It was expensive enough to get set up for audio, but we were excited then, and even more excited now.
Where we are headed...
Our goals extend beyond what we can imagine because this does not belong to us. It belongs to God. The idea is to bring Christ-minded persons, ministries, businesses, and organization together, in an effort to grow together in Christ, help each other and help our communities. From volunteering for one of the above mentioned, to finding a job, we want this to be, not just a place that connects people to people, but a place where we can introduce people to Jesus, and Jesus to people as well.

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